So what's going on now? What's your next challenge? are common questions that people are asking me. Well all through the summer every Tues night I have been training with a group of other moms from Momstown to do a Triathlon on Sept 5/10.....gulp! Our team name is 'Mommy's in Motion' LOL!!! Isn't that awesome!! I'm becoming a shirt slut...first I got my Phat Chicks shirt, then my RacedayRush one and now this one! SO COOL! It's neat to see not only has my wardrobe changed in the size of the clothes but also the type. I think I have more workout clothes then I do 'normal' clothes....AND OH!!! OH! OH!....I spent some time in Lulumon the other day!!!...Lulu and I are now BFF's!!! Which is awesome cause when I went in there a few years back and grabbed the largest sizes that they had, went into the change room and once I had the clothes on looked at myself in the mirror and said out loud to myself, "WHOLEY CAMEL TOE!!!!!" I took the clothes off and got out of there SO fast and hadn't returned until last week LOL!!
Another common question I get asked is, "How do you fit it all in?" My answer to that is you CAN if you WANT to and us mommies/woman can be very creative. I've had to fill up a bag of toys for the kids and bring them to the field behind my house dump them and the bag of toys in the middle of the field in order to get a workout in. I've also bathed the kids and given in to letting Owen have his soother (even thought he's not in bed) and Nicholas to take his blankie outside (which we NEVER do cause blankie is scared of outside AKA I don't want to have him get lost OR dirty) and put the boys in the jogging stroller with their PJ's on and went for a jog to the lake and back even thought it was past their bed time, just so I could get a jog in.....and want to know a tip. It works better past their bed time cause they are too tired to fight while in the stroller LOL!!
I also take them out to Phat Chicks Boot camp with me with the bag of toys in tow and sometime have to get them involved in order to help them stay happy for the hour. Like today I did inch worms with the 3 1/2yr (35lb) on my back, then he sat on my tummy while I did crab crawls back. At one point I had to hold Owen 20mth old (25lb) while doing squats....and you know what I was thinking each time?!...."This is going to give me a better work out!!" LOL!!....However involving my kids has really turned out to be such a great thing. Nicholas is always wanting to show me his pipes and how strong he is, he even said to me tonight that he thought my pipes and his pipes are the same size!! LOL!!.....GOD I could just pour ketchup on him and eat him for dinner I tell ya!! :P

So any Mama out there who tells me that kids and family get in the way of them taking care of themselves...well sorry ladies I'm here to burst your bubble...someone has to do it and I'm OK if you get pissed at me for doing it...but that's BULLSHIT!! I speak from experience!....think about something you REALLY like to do or have in your life. You find ways to do it or have it, even if it's not a healthy thing. I KNOW you find little tricks or ways to make it you have the power in you! Now you just need to use those powers for good :D