Ok so I know I am behind in staying up to date with this Blog, but I've been a little busy....to say the least!
As you know I first started my '
Fan page' because I was going to the
casting call for the Marilyn Denis show. They were looking for people who had a 'passion' for something, so I decided that I would try out and go tell my story. They required you to make a demo tape to bring with you. So I made my demo tape (you can watch it
here) and then I posted it on the Fan Page I created in order to get some support......well my friends all I have to say is follow your dreams/goals/hopes no matter what because this is how we came full circle.....
- I posted my demo video on Facebook
- Other Woman saw it and started e-mailing me asking for help in starting their own journey to healthy living
- I got certified as a personal trainer in order to learn more personally, this then helped me out professionally as well
- I then started my own One-on-one Personal Training Business called Bring out YOUR Awesome
- While learning about how to own my own business I found Tweeter
- In 2 weeks of being on Tweeter I met
Sam who has her own Business training pregnant woman and post-partum woman
- We stayed in contact for 2yrs through Facebook here and there
- Then one day I saw that she posted she was looking to interview someone for TV about their personal journey to a healthy lifestyle.
-I responded to the post saying I could do it if she wanted, what was it for and when?
- She replied back that it was the next week and it was as a guest in the audience for the
Marilyn Denis show!!!!!!
WTF!!!! Are you kidding me!! That was all ment to be in a really strange way. I had put the idea of being on the show as something that wasn't going to happen but have always been grateful for what did all come out of it. With meeting all the people who asked me for help and starting on a new career path that I totally LOVE!
Being on the show was totally awesome! It wasn't the way I thought it would happen that's for sure! LOL!...I had more in mind being on the show healthy and fit and looking normal...instead I was on there healthy, fit and huge pregnant!! I gave birth 2 weeks after the show aired! LOL!.....but I must say, although my body might not have been small anymore I was still very healthy and getting the rewards of it. I took the train down to T.O and then walked my 8 1/2 month preggo ass from Union Station to her studio in a fancy pair'o boots with no issue....it was almost 2k each way!!! Who does that! LOL!!