It still amazes me that the small action I did last fall of sliding off the couch and deciding to do sit-ups during commercials has exploded into the wonderfulness that is my fulfilled life today! Who ever says that big things come from small actions is SO right.
We had the Moon in June race this weekend and I signed my 3 1/2yr up for the kids 1k fun run, that they have now changed the name of to honour Meredith...very cool! I wasn't sure how my son was going to react to doing the race so for days before I talked to him about it. Explaining how we will be like race cars and go really fast. At one point he asked me if we were going to run the race with our clothes on!!! LOL! LOL! How he thought to ask that I have NO idea!!....however I don't care how fit you are you need to have clothes on when you run! :P
I had tears in my eyes as we started the race and as we finished and I saw the smile of excitement and fun on his face. I was SO proud of him my heart hurt. I also had a moment a moment that I hope every mommy gets a chance to experience and that was, I felt I was being a good mother. It's every mothers hope to be a good mother but I don't think that many get the chance to feel that they really are one. While running the race with him I did! I realized that I was the reason why this was happening, a year ago on a Sat night we would have been at home watching movies and eating pop, chips and dip....but look at us now. Last Sat night I was able to physically be there for my child, give him an experience that he will remember for awhile and help to build his self-esteem :D
So all you mommies out there STOP!........stop and think and list all the ways that you ARE a great Mom! In fact I want you to write it in the comment box below this post...LETS HEAR IT LADIES!!! Then take your hand and use it to pat yourself on the's OK you can do it....your family won't fall apart while you do it and in fact you will be giving them a happier Mom.
I was more excited about my sons race then I was mine. But I did the 5k afterwards and my goal was to be under 30min....drum roll please!........29:56! WOOO! HOOOO! I always find it so helpful to have a goal in mind like that. It helps me push out that little bit more.
Now the next morning was our 1 1/2hr Phat Chicks boot camp a$$ kick for the RockStar Adventure Race training and it was a good one!!! I told Susie that she hurt me deep...deep down in my butt and in my abs oh!.... baby!.. I LOVE the pain! Although I do some pretty hard core workouts on my own nothing effects me like what Susie does to us, and that's why I keep coming out for more.
And as always I am impressed with the rest of the girls on the team getting through it too!
Once again, GREAT blog Gail... you've gotta stop making me cry, must be a mommy thing ;-)
ReplyDeleteSo, you asked us "mommies" to list all the ways we are great...
I'm just going to say this;
"my little bundles of joy make me want to be a better person, and because of that I continue to work hard at being the best role-model for them".
I just found your blog and have read it beginning to end... You are inspiring! I love your straight forward talk and humor. I have laughed and I have cried!
ReplyDeleteI don't feel like a good mom but I am trying and your blog has made me feel as though I CAN succeed. So thank you :)
Thank you SO much for the person who wrote the above comment :) It's always nice to hear that I am sharing the journey with others out there :)
ReplyDeleteTRUST me you CAN succeed the only thing that's holding you back is, YOU!
I use to think that I needed certian things and people in my life inorder to find myself. Now that I have thouse people and things in my life I find that I was always there 8-D