Although my oldest is newly 4 I find that he teaches me and reminds me of something new everyday.
We were running out of time to get our pumpkins for Halloween and my sons b-day party on the Sat (Day before Halloween). So on the Tues I told the boys that we were going to get pumpkins after school.......as we started driving there a few drops of rain turned into a MAJOR down pour! :(
I explained to Nicholas that we might not be able to get to the pumpkin farm and that we might just have to get them at the store instead. His responds was, " OH Mom you just have the believe".......what the!!!...I couldn't believe my ears LOL!...I looked back and said, "Did you say believe??"...he shook his head yes and looked at me with big, wide, pleading, blue eyes!!! OH MAN!
My responds...sigh, "Ok buddy we'll keep going"....how can you say no to that!!!

So we got to the farm and it was STILL pouring. I even got a great laugh and a warm fuzzy when I saw that there was another family under the tent by the pumpkin patch...then I looked closer and noticed that it was another Mama that I knew and always love seeing!!!! I called out to her that I was VERY glad to see I wasn't the only crazy Mama out here :) We got out and while Nicholas walked with his umbrella I held Owen and my umbrella in one hand and my purse in the other...but it was SO windy my umbrella flipped inside out LOL!!!...You know how hard it is to 're-flip' an umbrella the right way in the rain, wind and holding a 22mth old and your purse!?
Final we got to the pumpkin patch...so now I have Owen and the umbrella in one hand and my purse and pulling the wagon in the other hand....we got our pumpkins and even picked up some cookies :P
As we were driving home my son happily munched on his cookie and said, "See Mom I told you! You just have to believe!"
My response was, "Yup buddy your right!"
Good words to live by and I find myself thinking of them often these days as I venture into more unknown territory in my life.....
....you just have to believe!
