Blog blog blog...OMG!!!
Ok I was never a 'blogger' OR blog reader before, however now that I am required to blog about my journey it is forcing me to think about what I am doing and what I think and feel about it. So all through the day all I think ablout is how will write about what I'm doing right now ahhhhhh....bolg..blog...blog!
I was so excited all week for our first workout. I wanted to see how the group would be together, PLUS we were going to be outside in a new area ( I love change!!) and I knew that we would probable start off with some sort of fit test and I wanted to see were my starting point was.
Well on Saturday I had already signed up 3 months ago to raise money for WWF
http://wwf.ca/cntower/ and climb the CN tower, then I found out last Sun that our first group workout was going to be on Sat too....o......k...
Let me explain...... This was the starting point for me with this whole mental change that started before my whole physical change.......Feb last year I was watching my fav show, Biggest Loser and they were doing a challenge were they had to pull a car around a race track. I was thinking to myself that I wanted to do that...something crazy, something out of the box. Then a commercial came on for the WWF CN tower climb and I said out loud, "I'm going to do THAT!!!" So a totally AWESOME friend said she would do it with me. We had 2 rules...1. What happens in the tower STAYS in the tower 2. We leave no woman behind (we're not splitting up!)
WELL! Let me tell you! My mind might have been ready for the challenge of climbing all 1776 stairs, 144 flights........my body...not so much :z My goal was just to get to the top but being a Big Mac away from 300lbs I struggled A LOT! But my friend stuck with me ( it brings tear to my eyes as I write this) despite the fact that I told her to go on without me cause I was messing up her time (she wanted to do it in under an hour) We did it in 58min and 18sec....my friend did everything but put her hands on my ass and push! But she didn't leave me :D xoxox
So my Sat started at 12:30am with the baby puking and having a fever of 101, we cleaned up the poor little guy then back to bed only for me to be up at 5:30am to head to the T dot!.... I was pumped!!! This was going to be a good day :D
The climb was AWESOME and WAY!!!!!! better then last year. I felt great....I was used to sweating....I was use to breathing hard, so it didn't take me down this year. My girlfriend struggled with her legs hurting her so we took it at the pace she needed and stop to stretch when she needed. This time she was the one telling me to go on without her cause she was going to mess up my time (I wanted to take off 20min from our time from last year) BUT rule #2!!!!! we leave no woman behind, I was NOT leaving her especially cause of how she stuck with me last year. We made it in 41min 58sec, we took 17min off our time......but at one point during the climb I realized that I could probable do this in under 30min!!! It was so great to KNOW that I COULD do it but didn't need to prove it.....I choose my CN BFF instead!!!! and GOD that felt good :)
So great! now I am all sweaty and freezing and warmed up for our first training session. It was cool to see everyone all excited about the workout ahead. I knew that the others were unsure and a little scared (I know cause I remember feeling like that in the beginning too) but they were going to do it anyway...and I have A LOT of respect for that!
During the workout I did what I normally do.....zone out in my mind and keep moving my body. I'm not sure what the others did with their mind but they all kept moving and that's a big deal....if you ladies don't realize that, I'm telling you right now!................" YOU KEPT MOVING, even when you wanted to cry, even when you were sure you weren't going to EVER catch your breath again even when you thought you were going to puke..you kept moving....and THAT'S A BIG DEAL!!!!!!
Now I realized that I am not use to working out in a 'team'. I've been in classes with other people but I just do my own thing. How others are doing wasn't what was on my mind. But now how others are doing is important because they are part of my team and it's not just all up to me...which I kind of like, but I'll have to get use to it.......I'm going to practise CN tower climb rule #2 from now on :)
So we were given homework this week, a workout that we have to do twice before Sun...as a stay at home mom with two little amazing boys and a husband who works 2 jobs just so that I can stay home with our children I have a full plate... SIGH......and some days I must say...I'm tired! So I will have to be really creative with fitting everything into the week...I'll let you know how I do. I like that the homework is something I can do in my living while I watch CSI....I call that a 2 4 1 special...getting in a workout and being able to watch my show...love....it!
OH! and I have to add....today (Sun).............wait Suzie, Mer if you are reading this close your eyes now or just stop reading here...................Ok so I am not even sore from yesterday!!?! WTF is up with that?