....... this is the motto of the Meredith Hagan Foundation and her Inspiration run was today. It also just so happens that today is also what would have been Meredith's 38th b-day and what a great way to celebrate...it would make her smile and that's when she looked the prettiest :)
I was in bed last night at 7:30am!! LOL!! The kids were out playing and biking with their Dad and I was asleep already! I wanted to be fresh and ready for the day. I was heading out early to help set-up going to run the 10k trail run and then stayed to help clean up everything. So I knew it was going to be a long day.

The turn out for the race was wicked!!! I helped hand out the swag bags so pretty much got to see everyone that was out to run or walk for the day. A lot of friends from Mommy's in Motion,spinning class, Coach Nancy from Second Wind Condition, Phat Chicks, my old work!! and a Mommy friend of mine that has started getting out there and running herself :) and my girl K-rod!! Most of you will know her as the Ellen girl LOL!

The run it self was great, there was a crazy hill at the 3k mark I had to walk the last 1/4 of the way cause I thought my heart was going to burst, it was long and winding. All in and around the 6k-8k part was pure single track trail, over a bridge, under a pine tree and thru mud....and when I say thru I mean thru! You couldn't go around. The lady in front of me slowed down when she hit the mud and I was thinking, " AWWW don't slow down!!! That's when you sink!" So I had to go into the middle of the mud to pass her and that's when I almost lost my shoe!!! LOL!! I LOVED it and the mud was nice and cool on my legs :-)
Everyone got a medal and they looked great. When I showed it to my 4yr he said, "WOW!! Mommy that's a big medal! You must have done really good in the race!"....you know what I don't even know my time for sure cause I never looked, my friend said it was at about 1hr 6min......I was just happy to be out there, for such a great lady xoxoxox

'Live in YOUR Awesome!'