So this past weekend (Fri - Sat) I went to my first Personal Trainer Conference. I went because in order to stay a registered personal trainer I need to get 7 CEC credits. So going to this conference for the two days gave me 14...enough to be renewed for 2yrs.
To tell you the truth I was feeling really intimidated about it. I thought it was going to be a tits and muscles show kind of show and that everyone was going to be sizing each other up. Think about those crazy fit, ripped people you see in the gym...that's what I thought I was going to be surrounded with for two days. But I was ready to go in and stand my ground for the 'normal' guy :)

I am happy to report that it was nothing like that at all!!!....all different types of awesome people were there from young to old and fit to unfit! I looked around the room and was amazed at all the 'normal' people that were there. I felt like I fit in...not at the top or at the bottom but right in the middle. To me this was a sign that I am where I should be and am on the right path. It was great!! Everyone was SO positive and friendly...which I find most people who are into fitness and health are.
I learned a lot of awesome fun things, the funniest class I took was where we did the exercise. And any of you that know me it won't surprise you to hear that I put all I had into doing the exercise, while others just went through the motions. I was lucky to have been paired up with a guy named Ross who liked to go hardcore just as much as I do. We had a blast!! We were sweaty, hot and laughing the whole class. As partners we had a belt around the person's waist in front and while they tried to run/side step/back walk & bear crawl across the floor the person behind would hold the end of the belt and try to stop them. It was hilarious!!! I was pulling that guy back across the floor as he tried with ALL his might to move forward and he did the same to me.....at the end we only had high fives/smiles and congrats on a awesome workout. One of the people watching even said to us, " You two were the best out there and SO fun to watch!"

Anyone else that I partnered up with or eat lunch with, where all up beat, friendly and very helpful with tips and ideas and sharing their experience with me.
After those two days I feel more confident in what I am doing, excited to learn more and positive I am headed in the right direction :)
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