A Van Awesome Journey
Hi thanks for finding my blog! I am a wife of an awesome husband and proud mother to two amazing boys. I just quit my job to stay at home with our children and now have all the time in the world to play play play!!! Play with my children and play some games of my own...hence this blog. I entered a contest to be part of an Adventure Race something I have never done before. So I am required to blog weekly on my journey...so here goes..thanks for sharing it with me :).................So what has started out as a blog for reasons mentioned above has now continued into an on going journey that I have been asked to continue to share...and you with me! So thanks for coming along for the ride :)
Friday, June 28, 2013
Into action
Ok so it's been a big week around here. My first 'race' on Sat and my first bike ride on Wed. I finally just got tired of living in the fear and when people asked me if I had been on the bike yet I got tired of hearing myself say, "No, next week"
So I went back to the basics and planned the day I was going to go and told people about it, because I know that I just can't go back and NOT do something after I have committed to it when it comes to being active.
I had an idea in as to how it was going to go and of course it didn't go that way...instead it went just the way it was supposed to :)
I had originally planned to go out with a girlfriend (another thing I did to ensure the ride would happen) but with 3 kids plans have to change a lot and sometimes at the last min, so I had to change the time and she wasn't able to join me then. Hubby was putting the little kids to bed and my 6yr heard me say to hubby that I needed my bike down to to go for a ride, "Can I come with you Mommy!?" he asked. I agreed that he could come since I was just doing loops around my street for 20min. I had to nurse the baby before I went out and Nicholas (my 6yr) sat beside me while I did. I told him that I was really excited that he was come with me, I explained that it was my first bike ride and that I was feeling really scared about it, "What do you think I should do about that buddy?" I asked. "Just breath" was his reply....I held back tears as I thanked him for the advise and realized in that moment though my own weakness I was teaching him how to be strong.
So hubby got out the new bike and my heart was thumping so hard, the back tire was flat so hubby pumped it up for me. While we were doing this my 4yr saw us on the front lawn and came out, "Are you going on your bike Mommy?" he asked."Yes buddy I am" I told him..."yeah!! Mommies going on her bike!!" he yelled....my own little awesome cheerleading squad :) I hoped on the bike and started to go but hubby noticed that the back tire went flat again. So I got off and thought for a moment that this ride was not going to happen tonight....then the voice of awesome screamed loud and clear in my head....."You still have your old bike that's all tuned up and ready to go!!!" So hubby got it out for me...
I tied back on the pink ribbon for Meredith to come along too and me and my son were off.
I felt SO awesome! I thought I was going to be wobbly on the bike due to my weak core and back but I wasn't. As I rode down the street I could hear the wind in my ears and feel it on my face. "Woooo Hooo!!" I yelled out, I felt awesome!! We ended up doing 6 loops in the 20mins and I had to force myself not to go faster and further......"Just do this first ride the way you planned it Gail" I kept saying to myself...it was like trying to keep an excited child calm! LOL!.....I made sure that I concentrated on proper posture on the bike. Shoulders down, tail bone out, relaxed arms, but my the 4th loop my fingers were going numb because my core and back are currently too weak to hold myself up, so all my weight was on my hands.....not a good way to ride...but whatever! I did 6 loops!!!!....I thanked my son for joining me and told him how awesome it was that he was there with me. We did a high five and a hug before I stretched to ensure that I cooled down properly......after that I came in the door... took my running shoes off.... and cried. It felt so good to be into action again, even if it was just 6 loops, I plan to keep at it and will work on making those loops more and bigger :)
I hope you are living in YOUR Awesome today!
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Nothing left but fear....
So this Sun a friend that I meet over tweeter came to help me. Her name is Samantha Montpetit-Huynh and she is the owner of Core Expectations, she is a trainer who trains pre and post-natal woman and she is AWESOME!!....This girl knows what she is talking about, she shares the information very well and she loves what she does and it clearly comes across in her spirit....I fully trust her to help me take my post-baby body to the next level in a safe proper way...and that's just what I did.
I love 'living in the solution' and talking with and learning from Sam was just that. It was so fantastic because I easily understood what she was talking about, do to the knowledge and experience I have had in these last 4yrs. It continues to amaze me how becoming healthy and aware of my body has all these little side effects I never thought of....It's funny because although I know my body and different types of exercise, I learned that I can only 'train myself' so far. Sam suggested a few exercises to me that I didn't know about to do and she also suggested some ones that I did know AND should have been very obvious to me but I didn't think about them until Sam mentioned them...DUH!! LOL!....and that is why it's important to reach out and ask for help from others. I can't do it all on my own and an important lesson I have learned through all this is that trying to do it all on my own is lonely....because I am on my own! So my new attitude about asking for and accepting help is this...although I might be capable of doing things if someone offers to help me or join me, say YES!!! because then I don't have to do it alone! :-D
So another reason I had Sam come was to just double check with another professional that I was ok to go ride on my bike. She said yes....it was funny cause as soon as she said that a voice in my head said, "Ah shit! now you got no reason, all that's left is the fear"
I hope you are living in your awesome today!
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
An hour of awesome!
Sunday, June 23, 2013
The awesome father of Subway
So last week I got the very rare opportunity to meet Fred DeLuca the founder of Subway. It was way awesome to learn about the history of a place that me and my family often go to. When I started on my healthy journey I switched out our pizza nights to Subway nights instead AND imagine my delight when they built one right behind my house!! OH YEAH!! Fred started Subway in 1965, he got a $1000 loan from a family friend and built the first shop in Newfoundland. He had started construction on the building when the city came along asking for his permit, "What permit?!" he asked...he didn't know you needed one to build! LOL!!...so he went done to City Hall and asked for a permit. When asked for his plans for the building, "What plans?" was his reply....so he sat out front and drew up the plan for the shop went in and they gave him a permit!!! WOW!
I also learned that although Subway came to Canada after McDonalds, Subway has more stores then them! Huh! I asked why he made the store set up the way it is with it all open right there in front of you. It was explained that he wanted to show that there was nothing to hide, all the fresh food was out there in front of you. Your sandwich was made the way you like it in front of you...awesome, I like that.
I was also so impressed to hear how happy the employees were, from the front line workers to the shop owners to people who over see the shop owners. Fred seems to have really built a 'Subway family', their success is his success so he is heavily invested in them and provides support for them in all areas of the business. Right from the start they are provided an intense Franchise 'training'. Fred also keeps the Franchise cost low so that the owners turn over a profit faster and are happy....and happy workers make good workers. I love that Fred understands the front line because he has built it literally from the ground up and on his way up he has kept that appreciation....very humble and very awesome!
It almost makes ME want to buy a Subway! LOL!....who knows, I'll put it on 'the list'...I am currently growing three future sandwich artistes!! LOL!!...OH! and one last thing, Fred and I have the same fav Sub...turkey!!! AWESOME!!!
I hope you are living in your awesome today!
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Remembering Mer......
So all through the year I often think of Meredith Hagan my very first trainer that I got when I started going outside of the house to do exercise. Her and Suzie Opie are owners of Phat Chicks and they offered a free trail class to Momstown. As soon as I saw the name I loved it!...tried the class, loved it more, ....met Meredith and Suzie, loved them and signed up right away! Meredith was a beautiful amazing person from the inside out. In my first year of healthy living (2010) I told her how I was going to do a Triathlon that Sept, "I can help you!" she said to me.....she never got the chance. On a beautiful day in April of that year Meredith was out on Kings Rd on her road bike training for the full Ironman she planned to do when she was 40 (she was currently 36) she hit a strange spot on the road flew off her bike and into an on coming car.....Meredith died the next day from the injuries....I still cry when I have to type this.
Although I have known Meredith longer in death then I have in life her presents in my life for those brief 6 months has impacted me SO greatly and the fire that she helped light still burns strongly inside me today. She loved being active and feeling awesome, she loved helping others to be active and feel awesome. Still daily I often bring Meredith with me as I head out for a race or go help a client or friend....I think to myself, "Mer would have liked this" or "Mer would be proud of this"...or "This would have made Mer smile"....I am unable to look at her picture everyday but I have it on my dresser upside down and every once and awhile I turn it over and look at her and remember......
I have my pink ribbon ready to be tied on my new bike, I use that pink ribbon as my way of bringing her 'with me' when I'm out there. She use to always wear a pink head band in her hair....but it's not just her that I am bringing, it's her friend and partner Suzie Opie too. Those two together were a force of awesome I tell ya! I felt so empowered to do the imposable workouts they put in front of me. Many times they would explain the workout and we would look at them like WTF!!! and they would smile and say, "You can do this!..it's going to awesome!"...and guess what...I did do it and it WAS awesome! They believed in me before I could believe in myself.....it's that feeling of empowerment and confidence that the pink 'Mer' ribbon represents to me.
Just yesterday I got to dress up and head down to Toronto to meet Fred DeLuca the founder of Subway (which I'll tell you about in another blog!!) I put on the 'Meredith' bracelet that her sister had made. It has the beautiful jewels and her tattoo that she had on her which represents 'double happiness' as I put it on I felt like I was bring Meredith with me, "Meredith would think this is awesome" were my thoughts.
So now I am heading into the weekend of her race, it is this Sat and you can register all the way up until the day. It's a really fun run and a great route on the trails of Mountsburg. It's called the Inspiration run, they have it around her birthday every year. I will hopefully be doing the 5k walk this year. I feel like I will be able to do it and I am excited that it will be my first race after recovering from the medical issue from having the baby. I plan to do it but know that if I have to stop at some point or can't finish it's ok....at least I am trying...and that wold make Meredith smile....she had a beautiful smile....
I hope you are living in YOUR awesome today! xo
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Lights, camera....awesome!!!!
So just as a follow up on the story about Scott from Rock & Road Cycle....CHCH News came out to interview me on it, then they went over to Scott's shop to interview him about it. He's such a sweet man that you can see at the end part of his interview he got all teary eyed! Just makes me want to go and hug the guy really!........knowing that I can trust the 'man' behind the counter means a lot to me when I have to intrust my safety and money in what he is telling me I need and what I need to spend means a lot these days....it's not all about the bottom line for him. He loves to bike and just wants to help other do it too :)
Here is the clip from CHCH News tonight!
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Confessions of a BFing sweet tooth MONSTER!!!
Ok I must have forgotten about this from the last two kids or maybe it was because I didn't care what I was putting in my body before, but WOW!!!!! The sweet tooth is out....of....control!! It is bothering me even more this time cause I am aware of what I am putting in my mouth and what it's made of....and yet, I can't stop myself from going to the corner store and getting a Caramilk bar and 4 sour keys!!! I got this 'craving' for jub-jubs the other day and I was like, "Ok, NO Gail they are pure crap and not going to make you feel good and you will be really thirsty after having them. So I tried eating other things that were better for me.....but 3 days later I still had them in my head.....that is how I ended up at the corner store, "eating like a teenage boy", that's how one of my other BF Mama friends puts it.
So you think that would make the 'monster' happy right.....well NO it just made it MORE hungry for crap food! I even found myself thinking about going to get some McDonalds (which is not like me).....So the other night I had to stop in after Coaching to get some banana's (we are always out of banana's)...so I walk into the grocery store, tired and hungry...not good. The sweet tooth monster showed it's ugly head...however the voice of my ever expanding post baby ass won out this time!! LOL!...The voice that begged me not to eat the crap I was craving and do that to my body....so I had a delima...want to eat crap REAL bad....don't want to hurt my body with the crap. So I figured if I bought some dried fruit that would help with the 'chewy' feeling I was looking for and the natural sweet of the fruit would do it...well I then got on a roll with other yummy tasty healthy things.....I felt like I was pregnant again!! LOL!....so the picture above is what I ended up coming home with...Dried blueberries,dried fruit mix, dried mango, raisins, dries cranberries, almonds, mangos, peaches, watermelon, salmon, crab meat and the thing I originally went in for....Banana's! Man oh MAN!! I must say though the dried fruit seems to be doing the trick and they are WAY better then the jub-jub's I originally had in mind .....I call this 'damage control!' LOL!..
Hope you are living in your awesome today!
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
omg! Omg! OMG!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 9, 2013
Moon in June 2013 ~ Multi Tasking Mama!!!
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Cooking up a storm!!
Ok so I am definitely feeling better as I am now trying out a new dinner recipe :)
The baking didn't go so well! But I think the dinner did :)...now my goal is to try a new dinner each week. But really due to cost and time and my energy it adds up being more like once a month. The reason being is that the new recipes take so much prep time cause it's of course a healthy meal and a lot of fresh food in it that needs to be prepped. So how do I get that done on my own with the 3 kids you ask?!!!
Like this! I sling the baby to me and prep the food while the big kids are eating their snack and prep all the food into different bowels so it's good to go when I have to cook it and I can just throw everything in...I feel like I'm on a cooking show! LOL!
This is the recipe that I tried out tonight ** I used Quinoa instead of couscous, SO much better for you **
So of course things never go as planned around here. As I was cooking this up it smelled SO good and yummy and it tasted really good to. However I am the only one that is able to tell you that and you will just have to take my word on it!....My hubby who is NEVER sick came home tonight throwing up...ewww...as he went up stairs to the bathroom he asked me to turn on the stove fan cause the food smell was making him feel sicker! LOL!!!...well then. Poor guy didn't have a chance to eat it. But I loved it and will be making it again :)
Hope you are living in your awesome today!
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
The summer clothes swap!
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Subway Queen!!
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