SO!...sorry for not staying connected I have been busy...an awesome busy. It started on the long weekend with the nice weather and my Dad taking both the boys...woot! woot!
Sat's is my long run days so as I was about to head out and was telling my husband my route ( I do this for safety reasons) he suggested that he jump on his bike and put the kids in the bike trailer and meet me down at the Bronte park I will be passing during my run...AWESOME!!!! LOVE IT! as that is one of my goals of including my family more in my outings and I hadn't thought of that........so I ran the 6k to the park and then played with the kids for a bit but spent too long there and my body was like, "Oh ok that was a good 6k run I'm done now"...well guess what baby we're dong 12k today so there's still another 6k to go.......oh dear. The run back was hard but awesome. My hubby biked in lowest gear the whole way so that I could keep up with them and my 4yr keep yelling, " Hi Mommy!....keep going mommy!" But it was a hard run back and I was happy to be home.
Then dropped the kids off at my Dads and then went to help my hubby with his second job of landscaping he has in the summer....which ended up being 3hrs!!!!!! FRIGG!....I DON'T like doing labour like that and would rather do a 3hr boot camp class.....no wait a 4hr Adventure Race then that kind of work....every part of my body was tired and this was after my 12k 1100 calorie burn run in the morning!!!
Sun morning I hopped on the bike and hit the trails with hubby for the first time WOOOOO HOOOOOO!!!! It was wicked. Due to the rain some of the trail was washed out and so we were biking through river pretty much and at one point I thought we were lost!! LOL!!!! always an adventure when you go biking LOL!!!!....but we made it back, wet, muddy and giddy like two school kids! That was the first time that we rode together :)
The Mon Hubby had off and I had some cash so I headed out to see the Phat Chicks and do some Kick boxing.....gawd that felt excellent and I always feel so much better when I see those gals!
So last Fri hubby and I hit our 6yrs married mark woo hooo!! Love you hun xoxoxox.....now normally we don't get each other stuff, not even a card we just spend time together....but on Fri morning with a smile and a laugh he handed me a card and a file folder....LOL! Yes I said file folder....what this amazing man had done was save away money for the last few months AND didn't buy something he wanted for his car which is MAJOR....cause he's a car guy and instead he got me a 3 month unlimited pass to Phat Chicks!!!!! Are you frigg'n kidding me!!!!
He said that he sees me working out so hard here by myself and knows that I LOVE my Phat Chicks and how much more happier I am when I can go out to see them so now all summer I can go when ever I want!!!!!!! I was hugging him and crying like a baby! BEST HUBBY EVERRRRRRRRRRRR! OMG!
So now I am totally pumped even more for the summer!......Phat Chicks when ever I want, my 4yr first Tri, doing an adventure race with hubby as my teammate AND Tri training started tonight with the Mommy's in Motion!!!! and it was nasty, stinky, dirty HOT! out and it was still awesome....so many memories are flooding back to me as to what I was doing this time last year and remembering how this time last year started off what has been THE TIME OF MY LIFE!!!!!
'Live in YOUR Awesome!'
running is nice family bonding :)