So today my 4yr said he wanted to do something 'fun' and make something for Papa......"Like what?" I asked. "How about a cake!"...."OK!" I replied. Believe it or not I had some cake mix around and even had some icing!
So he picked the chocolate cake mix...of course.., "I think Papa would like that one best" he said LOL!!!
So we made the cake and both boys helped to decorate it. " We're going to have a party for Papa!" my 4yr said. I asked him what kind of a party because it wasn't Papa's birthday....."We're going to have a 'Papa is awesome party!" was his reply LOL!!!
I must admit I think I say awesome a lot and the kids have picked up on it! LOL!
So tonight we yelled "SURPRISE" when hubby walked in the door and put on party hats and we said why we think Papa is awesome while having second helpings of our chocolate cake :P
I love it! This kid just taught me you can have a party anytime just think of something awesome or someone awesome and lets PARTY!!!!! ....
......and yes this is him with his blankie wearing a party hat...blankie is like another person in our house and must be included in everything included the pictures! LOL!....GOD I love this kid!!! xoxoxox
'Live in YOUR Awesome!'