So this weekend was the RockstAR Adventure Race that hubby and I were doing as team VanAwesome!!! After shipping one kid and the dog off to my Moms and the other kid with his bike off to my Dads we packed up the van and headed out Sat morning. Now the fact that we got off track heading up to the race should have been a sign to us.....
We got up there with a lot of time to spare which was nice cause we didn't need to rush around and we could relax and look at our map and pick our route. Plus the 15k bike trek through the trails to start the race, they didn't have this year so that was awesome!!! We could pick what we wanted to do and when. I felt good, excited and confident about our plan.
So we started off in good form and headed out on the bike for a 10k trek and picking up check points along the way...the first one was a 100 point one and we felt that was a good way to start the day :)....we couldn't find one on the way back and I learned from last year that if it's taking too long and you are really unsure of where you are to just let it go.....so we moved on.

After that we hopped into the canoe...it was a little windy so the paddle was hard....now once we hit land that's when everything went south and I don't mean on the map! LOL!!! We were WAYYYYYY out there and even came across a big mud puddle and there was no foot prints around it. At that point I said to my hubby, "Ok no one else has been here, we need to go back" the good part is that shortly after turning back we ran into a team of 3 that was looking for a 70 point check point ( I didn't even know we were near it until the team pointed out on the map for me where we were!! LOL!!) So we stuck with them and in 5min we found the 70 point check point which helped us feel like our efforts weren't wasted at least!

OK so now for the million mile trek back to our canoe...the problem with getting lost way out there....you have to go back! We got back to our canoe with 30min left until finish time....however....and this is how this game sucks you in!....I looked at the map and say what looked like a check point close by us along the edge of the water and a path leading that way...."Should we try for it?" I asked Hubby, "Sure since there's a path" he said.....so we started running the path, which turned into a muddy trail through tall grass, which then turned into a low river and over rocks....which then turned into no trail and into bush and then I heard a splash and that's when hubby slipped on a rock and saved his face from hitting by offering up his right knee and right wrist (he's a bit stiff and sore today)....so at that point we decided that we were tired, still couldn't see the check point and running out of time. So we turned back and headed to the finish line and we were happy with that.

SO next year!!!..... Well we now know the lay of the land REALLY well!! LOL!! and we know as a team what our strengths are so we are set!.......it's funny every time I go out in this race I have an idea of what's going to happen and how I'm going to do. But once the race happens none of what I thought would happen, happens....it takes on a life of it's own and what I'm left with is a good story, war wounds to show off, awesome pictures and memories of a good time! :)

'Live in YOUR Awesome1'
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