Ok so hubby was away last week for work. The first time since we have had both kids....gesh! Let me tell you I have A LOT of respect for single parent households even MORE now!!!...So I only got in a 1hr workout while I watched TV one evening, but I didn't get in a run or my long run and race day for my first half marathon is in 2 weeks!!! eekk!
So I was getting worried and once hubby was home I went for a run on the Sat afternoon, it was nice and cool, breezy and sunny perfect! So I was thinking this was not going to be a good run because I did my race on Sun and then hadn't run all week!
But I was sailing and feeling awesome!! I started off on a route that was going to be 13k that's the farthest that I have run so far ( I ran that 2 weeks ago too) when I hit my first 5k mark I was at 30min which when it's not race day is a good time for me. So I was feeling good!
Now always around the 8k mark my hip flexor's and butt are like, "AHHH hellooooooo WTF!" LOL!! But I keep moving. As I was coming back to my house I just felt like getting in one more 1k and having a new farthest distance.....the race IS only in 2 weeks! So I cut across a path behind my house and went in and out of some streets. Then my RunKeeper App told me I was at 14k I thought lets get in ONE more 1k!!!!....what the hell was going on?! I have NEVER made my route longer then I planned....I have made it shorter....but I guess I was in a grove and going with it! So I keep weaving in and out of the streets by my house...my neighbours must have wondered what the heck I was doing! LOL!
So I said to myself that once RunKepper says I hit 15k I can stop and walk.....OH!! did I mention that I hadn't stopped to walk yet!!! :O
But it told me that I hit 15k just as I was running down the street past all the stores and the window to the gym. So I was like ok NO I'm not going to walk by...so I keep running, then I turned the corner to go up my street and I always say, "Let the neighbours see you leave running and coming back running what ever happens in between is my business!" LOL!....
....so I kept running!!!! As I got to my house I feel on the front lawn and almost started crying because for the first time I felt good about my half marathon and knew that I could run the whole 21.5k WOOOOO HOOOO!!!!!
So today...I can't frigg'n walk!! LOL!!! Oh man my quads are so sore and I wear it with pride!...I am SO pumped for my race on the 16th now and really looking forward to having my husband, kids and Dad waiting for me at the finish line. And I just have this vision of when I'm done crying in my husbands arms and saying, " I did it!!! I ran the WHOLE way!!" :-D
'Live in YOUR Awesome!'
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