I was contacted last week from Erin an interviewer from Always Good News, with Connie Smith CTS. They wanted to do a story on me! LOL COOL!
So they came out Fri and it was lights, camera, ACTION!!! They were reporting on my journey of weight loss, health and fitness. Of course we had to stop and re-shoot a few times cause my 2yr started playing around in the back round and was calling out, " WALLLL-EEEEEE!!" (he was playing with the Wal-E robot we have) LOL!! Then we had to stop so I could get the kids water, then stop so I could get them a snack and then last but not least....and this is an important one....stop for a potty break and then having to do the potty song/dance cause they peed in the potty!!. The cameraman (who I am sure has no kids) was laughing at all this going on. "Welcome to the world of a SAHM/WAHM" was all I could say.
We did some cool shots and can't wait to see how it will turn out, I'll keep you all updated as to when it will air.
But of course the glamour doesn't last long around here. I fed the kids lunch (I babysit a little girl during the day, along with having my 2yr)put them down for a nap and had an hour to catch up on my e-mails, facebook & twitter. At 2pm my 4yr's school called to say that he had pooed his pant and I forgot to send extra pants....o.....k...So I wake up the two kids drive to the school, clean up the accident and FYI it's not poo it's diarrhea....AWESOME!... (just to help you understand the situation) I get back home and at 2:40pm the school calls again to say he's done it again!!....poor boy is getting sick. So I pack up the two kids...again...and head to the school to clean up the mess, which was worse then the last time..double awesome!!!....then we all head home so that I can throw him in the bath :)
These kids sure do keep me humble eh!! LOL
'Live in YOUR Awesome!"