So I did the Island girl race today and it was AWESOME!!!!! I did the half marathon relay with a girlfriend Steph who has gotten into running herself. So we each ran to date this is the longest race that I have done.
Now I have been having issues these days with negative thinking while running and REALLY not liking it!! Especially since I have to do a lot of running these days to train for the half marathon that I will be doing in Oct. I was talking to the 'big guy' (God) the other day about this problem and clear as a bell a I just heard a voice say, "Run with me!'.....I thought, "Huh! run with God eh! " Guess I don't have to do it alone if I don't want to.
So Steph went out first so I had sometime to hang out for a bit. The race was on T.O island and I went and sat on the beach and looked out at the lake (it was a beautiful day!! Sunny but with a nice wind) and I did a little praying again.....what came out of it was a few tears and plea from me to the 'big guy'....." I don't care about doing good! I just want to FEEL good!".......
So the run was AWESOME!!!! The warm up of the first 3-4k wasn't so bad as I just started the run with a chillaxed attitude of, "What a beautiful day!...let's go for a run!"......when I got to the 6k mark the route was right beside the water all down the board walk. You couldn't ask for anything better!! The sun was shinning off the water, there was a great breeze and the view of T.O was breath taking........That part of the run saved my butt!!! I was sailing along faster then I thought I could...I even was passing people!!! Now normally in a race I pass people at the start but then later get passed by everyone!!! But this time, I was never mind catching up to people and passing them, but I stayed past them!!!! They never caught up!!?!?!? OMG!!! When I hit the 10k mark my time was at 56min!!! That beat my last best time on a 10k of 60min! I was pumped and feeling good!
Before the race started Steph said to me that she would meet me just before the finish line and run in with me.....I got a little teary eyed I never had that before I had always crossed the finish line by myself.
We hope our finish line picture turns out well and I will post it once they send it out.
I have to say, this was JUST what I needed!!! I feel great...great about my running, great seeing other woman out there and giving me hope today who were running the full half marathon on their own and confident in my abilities with what I am doing and what I will be doing.....just what I needed :-))))))
'Live in YOUR Awesome!'