So Good Friday kicked off the racing session for the Van Egmond family!! WOOOO HOOOOOO!!!. I'm not sure who was MORE excited me or my 4yr old LOL!!!
We signed up for the kids 1k 'Bunny Hop' and I did the 5k afterwards.
We showed up with 'bunny' kit ready to go, ears, tail and bow tie! LOL! we put on our numbers and bunny ears and headed to the start line.
While waiting for the horn to start the race I could feel my 4yr shaking, as I was holding his hand. I asked him if he was cold and he replied, "I'm just EXCITED!!"
So the horn went off and we all started running. At first my son was holding my hand, something he did the whole way in his first 1k race last June. But after a while he let go of my hand and zoomed ahead....I had to really run to keep up! My son was breathing hard as he was running and I asked him if he wanted to walk for a min to take a break. He just shook his head and zoomed ahead. A few times he would slow down cause he was getting tired, but he would just reach up and hold my hand and keep running!!! We crossed the finish line not holding hands which was bitter sweet for me, cause he didn't need me and he was good on his boy is growing up!!! sniff! sniff! proud with a little sad mixed in.
I scooped him up at the finish line and threw him up in the air as I was SO impressed that he ran the WHOLE 1k!!!! I told him he did AWESOME and asked if he was proud of himself. He nodded yes and still breathing hard replied, "That was hard"
By 10:30am all was said and done and we were at Tim Horton's for a morning post-race snack. He has worn his medal ALL weekend and brought it to each of our Easter dinners showing it off to his Grandparents and cousins. In fact he has gone off to school today with it in his backpack so that he can Show and Tell it at school :) in the end it WAS a Good Friday!!!
How did your family stay Hoppy and Healthy this Easter?
'Live in YOUR Awesome!'