Well now that hubby is training for his first race I now have someone in the house with a common goal. So on Monday nights we have now become a well oiled multi-tasking machine......my 5yr has Beavers on Mon nights and we normally take my 3yr along too and sit on the side and watch. Well now that we both need to get a run in we trade off. I drive the kids to Beavers and sit on the side with the 3yr ready with a bottle of water for hubby, while he runs to Beavers. He then sits with our youngest and drives them home and I run home!! :) WOOO HOOO!! Team Van Awesome :-D
The first time we did this it was cold out. Hubby did the 3k there and he said he stopped to walk during that time, but in the end he got there! I then took a long route home and got in a cold 7k (my but was SO frozen cold!!)
Tonight we did it again. Once hubby got home we both changed and as I was coming down stairs I saw him stretching in the family room and the boys were joining him! LOL!....When I saw this I thought it was so cool. Normally the boys join me doing different exercises in that room. I thought this was way cool that they will now be seeing their Papa out there moving and being healthy and strong too.....a great role model for my boys!

So once he was all stretched he set out for his run and I drove the boys...as we passed hubby I rolled down the window so the boys could yell, " GO PAPA GO!!". When hubby got to Beavers he proudly told me that he just ran the whole 3k this time. I was so happy for him....not necessarily cause he ran the whole way (which I do think is awesome) but because I was happy for the pride he had in himself and I remember in the beginning how great it makes you feel once you have dome something like that for the first time.... I was happy that he got to feel that feeling too.
I then set out on my run. No freezing butt tonight! It was a great night to run :)...I uploaded a bunch of Jillian Michaels Podcasts and I listened to that instead of music...it was awesome!! Instead of tuning out to the music and thinking about how hard I was breathing and how my legs are tired......I was fully listening to the podcast and ended up running 10K!!!! I didn't even know I still had that in me.....
.....so overall AWESOME night :-)
'Live in YOUR Awesome!'
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