So being a 'racing family' now I always think of how I will instil in my kids good sportsman ship. We had gone for a family 'run' one day, which mens all the boys biked and I ran! LOL!.....my oldest and I had gotten really far ahead of my husband and my youngest son. So we stopped and sat in the shade waiting for them. My 5yr started to say that his brother was a 'slow coach'.....he always refers to 'train' talk with things!...it was his way of saying how slow Owen was going.
We then had a talk as we waited about what he just said...the main details of it are, I explained that sometimes we are faster then someone and sometimes someone is faster then us. Even though someone passes the finish line first doesn't mean they did the best, because the people who finish last have also done their best too....so we always tell everyone that the effort they are putting into it is awesome and that they are doing a great job. Once we saw my youngest and hubby catch up both me and Nicholas yelled, "Good job you guys! Nice work!"...this is a conversation that I will be continuing through the years and something I will be role modelling for him as well.
So now I am left with what he thinks about himself when he does these activities and the impact I have on that. I once saw a Dr.Phil show were he said, always saying to your kid, "I'm proud of you" may not be the best thing. We want to instil in them to be proud of themselves.....so after Nicholas's races I always ask him, "Are you proud of your self?".....
....however today on Facebook a blog about the '6 words you should say' really hit home for me. I suggest you read the blog, but I'll share what those words are...." I love to see you play"....you can replace the word play with, run, bike, swim etc.....I think this is awesome, because as it says in the blog it takes the pressure off of the kids. They don't have to do it well, or the best, or even the fastest....just them doing it the way they are is good enough. Now this is a message that I want to send my children!
I will be using this as well now....I am SO grateful that I am learning these things while the kido's are young :)
'Live in YOUR Awesome!'
Thank you so much for your beautiful story and taking time to share the powerful 6 words! I am so happy to know my post inspired you!